Knowing where we as children of God come from is very important to face many challenges we have here on earth. It teaches us that we are literally spirit children of God. And as such we have a divine nature and destiny. This divine nature is our ability to become just like him. That is actually why we are here on earth. Knowing that we chose to follow Heavenly Father's plan teaches us that we are accountable of our actions, and that we have the ability to influence things around us. Satan was in the preexistence with us and at some point he had that same divine nature that we have now. But he lost that privilege before the earth was created. He is a sad, pitiful, bitter, and resented being loves to see us miserable. He will do anything to confuse us and be an obstruction to our spiritual well-being.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have a physical body of flesh and bones. Jesus said himself that he did not do anything the father had not done before him. And just like the father, Jesus died and resurrected. It is helpful to know he has a body of flesh and bones, because that way what we worship is real. We worship a God that exists and he has a body of flesh and blood to prove it. Just like Heavenly Father, we are given bodies so we can learn how to use them as a divine tool. Heavenly Father wants us to have dominion over things and not things have dominion over us. Learning how to control the passions of our physical bodies trains us to have power and dominion over other things.
