One way we can advocate for the families is through social media platforms and example. Sharing events and milestones that happen in the family can really be an example to the world. Through our interactions with other people we can promote family values and strengths. If we talk positively about our families and express our love and gratitude of them, we can influence the perception other people have of families. I really love how in the video it showed a situation that became a little bit out of control, and then there was an opportunity for reconciliation. It was clear that Miki was still feeling a little threatened by Samantha’s beliefs. Samantha never backed down or denied what she believed, and she didn’t disregard someone else’s beliefs either. She even found how to defend Miki’s beliefs. I think once she stopped to think on who is right and focused on what is right, she was able to respectfully and lovingly advocate for what she believed. I think this situation is very common and it happens daily. Having the truth in our life is a blessing, but even then, we are not safe from the natural state of the fallen man. Satan will try to twist the truth and make it an issue of who is right instead of what is right. This usually leads to heated arguments that leave people more confused and hurt.