I have alsways been of the opinion that nations have never been ruled by kings, in fact I think it was ruled by their mothers. It is in a parent's hands to mold and shape a new generation. Having children and big families is the most effective way to establish Zion. That is one of the reasons why the first presidency emphasizes the importance of having children so much. In them lies the strength of God's kingdom. It is also a blessing to a parent to raise on of God's spirit children. There is so much they can learn from their children.
I think that one of the reasons why a lot of people do not have chlidren today it is because they see them as a burden. They think children are a financial burden and a bad investment. They view children as too dificult to deal with or a nuisence and deny themselves the blessings and oportunities to learn from them. Those who do have them and have a bad attitude about it treat them as mistakes that should not have happened.
Having children is essentially exercising a God given power. The only other being in the Universe able to create life, is God himself. As such a power is sacred to him it should be sacred to us. His children are not to be taken lightly. Calling them a mistake or treating them as something so insignificant it is preffered to avoid offends him. Imagine having something having so precious and valuable to you and have others spit upon it.
As mentioned before Heavnely Father wants what is best for his children. A man and a woman who are lawfully wedded will create the best learning and growing enviornment for his spirit children. It is spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically healthy for them. A lawful marriage is what really separate us from living like animals. It is an agreement between our spouses and God. When he is involved in a marriage, the heavens open and the spirit of God is more likely to be in their home. This is how it is spiritually healthy. When a child sees that their parents are joined in commitment it creates a sense of security in the child. The child will also see that giving your word to someone is something valueable and should be honored and respected. This is how emotionally a child can benefit. And lastly a child can learn healthy interactions from parents who honor their marital vows and work through their problems. This is a healthy psychological enviornment for a child to grow.
The word appointed means to decide beforehand. I believe this word is used in the context of the Creator's intention. He intends to give all of his children the same access to opportunities to achieve this divinity. The potential of his children becoming just like him is equal to all of us. When when the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve say "We declare the means by which mortal life is created to be divinely appointed." I think they are referring to God's hope and intention for his children. He expects us to understand the importance and urgency of the stewardship of being a parent.
