The beginning towards the end is coming up. There are a lot of good roles I could choose from, but I think that my first choice would be managing editor. The managing editor needs to have the "big picture idea", because they will be the last to revise and make arrangements to the magazine. They need to be organized and keep everyone on task. I think I can bring those leadership and polishing skills to the group because I have experience.
My second choice would be technical editor. I love building websites. I think it is really fun to make it attractive and interactive. The technical editor is in charge of all the technicalities of the website, such as building it and passing a generic username and password so that the other team members can access it.
My third choice would be writing editor. A writing editor needs to have excelling skills in writing and creative input. I am really good at writing, especially at an audience. I think I would excel in this responsibility and help the other writing editor as well. But, this is my third, because even though I am good at it, I do not like doing it much.
I think Emma Park would be a great writing editor, I would like to see her work in that position. She has great attention to detail and she is really good at presenting her ideas in written word. Jason would be excellent as a visual editor, and steve as a source editor. I would like to see Olivia as the technical editor and Nathan as the second writer.
Reflection time!!! This semester is going great so far. Areas in which I am doing well are 1. So far my grades are great, 2. I am learning a lot in my classes and taking great notes, 3. I am getting plenty of sleep at night. I still struggle with somethings. For example, 1. I am having a hard time turning everything on time, 2. I am still a little unorganized, 3. I still have not gone out on a date.
I think that I need to start setting some goals for the areas in which I am struggling with. 1. I can start writing down my assignments on a planner so I do not forget to turn assignments in, 2. I can use the resources that I have and use my time more wisely, and 3. I need to take the initiative and ask a guy out on a date.
I started struggling in properly studying the talks for class. I would read them, but I felt like I wasn't learning anything. I began praying before reading the talks and writing down my insights from the talks. I would try to not copy anything, but to write down my thoughts and feelings about what I was reading.
I am struggling a little bit with my team. I don't feel like a lot of the team is doing their readings on time, or looking for useful information on the topic we are assigned. There are times where I feel that my organization is lagging and my leadership skills fail. When we try to find to do things together as a team there time is inconvenient for someone. I can think of some solutions, but if all else fails, I will seek counsel from Sister Seamons.